Edgar Cayce, born in 1877 in the United States, is known as the most famous psychic in the country. He possessed psychic abilities that manifested in trance and his readings covered many areas, including health, reincarnation, dream interpretation and prophecies.
His prophecies about the future of humanity are intriguing and cover events such as geological changes, resurgence of Atlantis It is social transformations and economic.
Cayce predicted catastrophes caused by universal forces and changes in the position of the poles, in addition to predicting that the Soviet Union would become a religious country and China would become a base for Christianity. He also described a vision of the future in the year 2100, where a new New York would be rebuilt, with glass houses and significant changes in world geography.
Main points of the article:
- Edgar Cayce's prophecies offer an intriguing view of the future of humanity.
- Cayce predicted geological changes, such as earthquakes and pole shifts, in addition to resurgence of Atlantis.
- His prophecies also addressed social transformations and economic, such as the rise of the Soviet Union as a religious country and China as a base for Christianity.
- Cayce's vision of the future included the reconstruction of New York in the year 2100 and significant changes in world geography.
- The legacy of Edgar Cayce As a psychic and sleeping prophet, he continues to spark the interest of people around the world who seek to understand the mysteries of the universe.
Geological Changes and the Resurgence of Atlantis
Edgar Cayce, renowned sensitive, made intriguing predictions over the future of humanity, covering various topics, such as geological changes and even the resurgence of the legendary Atlantis.
According to Cayce, the future holds drastic geological changes, which include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the displacement of the poles. The psychic claimed that the western part of the United States would be divided, while a large part of Japan would sink into the sea. These geological transformations would have a significant global impact, restructuring the planet's landscape.
Furthermore, Cayce mentioned the resurgence of Atlantis, an ancient civilization lost in time. According to their visions, new lands would emerge in the Atlantic and Pacific, while parts of the east coast of New York and regions of Carolina and Georgia would disappear.
These Edgar Cayce prophecies they arouse curiosity and raise questions about what the future holds for humanity. Through his psychic abilities, Cayce offers intriguing and mysterious insight into geological events and the possible return of an ancient civilization.
The Geological Changes Predicted by Edgar Cayce
- Flooding of large portions of Japan
- Pole displacement
- Division of the Western United States
- Emergence of new lands in the Atlantic and Pacific
- Disappearance of parts of the east coast of New York and regions of Carolina and Georgia

Social and Economic Transformations
In addition to the geological changes predicted by Edgar Cayce, his prophecies also cover social transformations and economic in the future. According to his readings, the Soviet Union would become the most religious country in the world, while China would become the basis for Christianity.
Cayce described a new social and economic order, where there would be greater equality and cooperation between people. He highlighted the importance of freedom of expression and worship, and emphasized the need for solidarity and understanding between nations.
These prophecies of social and economic transformation offer an intriguing vision of the future, indicating the possibility of a more harmonious and just society, where different cultures and beliefs coexist in peace and collaboration.
Vision of the New Order
Cayce described the new order as a place where people work together, sharing resources and knowledge for common benefit. This vision of cooperation reflects the importance of a collaborative approach to addressing global challenges, such as social and economic inequalities.
Based on Cayce's prophecies, we can envision a future in which borders are blurred and differences are valued as cultural riches. Mutual understanding and solidarity are the foundations of this new order, where respect for diversity promotes peace and progress.
The Role of Education and Awareness
Edgar Cayce also emphasized the importance of education and developing collective consciousness to drive positive social and economic transformations. He believed that education should enable individuals to understand their interdependence with the environment and other human beings.
The search for wisdom and the practice of empathy are essential to building a more just and sustainable society. In this context, education plays a fundamental role in the formation of conscious citizens, capable of promoting constructive changes and contributing to collective well-being.

The Importance of Solidarity and Understanding
Edgar Cayce's prophecies about social and economic transformations remind us of the need for solidarity and understanding between nations and individuals. The search for common interests and overcoming divisions are fundamental to building a harmonious future.
In an increasingly interconnected world, recognizing and celebrating diversity is essential to promoting peace and social justice. Cayce's prophecies invite us to reflect on the importance of our actions in the present, and how they can shape the future of generations to come.
The predictions of Edgar Cayce about the future of humanity are fascinating and cover a wide range of topics. His prophecies about geological changes, the resurgence of Atlantis, and social and economic transformations reveal an intriguing vision of the future.
Although Cayce passed away many years ago, his readings remain a valuable resource for those seeking to understand and explore the mysteries of the universe. His legacy as a psychic and sleeping prophet remains alive and arouses the interest of thousands of people around the world.
Edgar Cayce's work reminds us of the importance of self-knowledge, spirituality and unity among human beings to face the challenges of the future.